Officially Freaking-out

It was a dark and stormy night. The fog was so thick, it could have been cut with a butter-knife.

Ok, not that drastic.

But it was dark!

It was a quiet evening, all was well. I was watching Wimbledon with my Gramma, when this email came in:

Thinking I had somehow been hacked (a possibility, somebody has recently been trying to get into my Google account, but that was resolved by a simple password change), I sent an I'm absolutely terrified, what should I do email to my mom and dad asking their opinion, and also tried to get Lydia's attention.

Wait, what? It cannot be!

But it is...

Thanks so much for the biggest freak-out of this year Lydia! (I will be getting even)


  1. Oh my, tsk tsk. Sisters ( * ) ( * ) this is random but I love your computer background!

    1. I'm still plotting...
      Thanks, I had it set on the lonely mountain, but felt a small change was in order for a little while.

  2. oh my. this made me laugh! that's awesome! I never would have thought Lydia would be ale to freaak you out like that! :)

  3. Hey, the website in actually called Picmonkey. I typed it in wrong when i responded to your comment on my blog. Sorry:)

    1. Yeah, I was able to figure it out, thanks for telling me though. :)

  4. Ok. I found your blog after this happened, but this is one of the funniest things that I have ever seen!!

    1. Haha! Glad that my terror was humorous for other people! :D


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