It Continues

July 24, 2015, Friday

Being able to check email two days in a row is really a blessing, even if it’s just for about two minutes.

We picked up dad today.

July 26, 2015, Sunday

I crawled out of bed around 8 this morning to a hot pancake breakfast, before heading out to church at 9:30. It was a good service on the whole book of 2 John.

Yesterday we went to the pond again. After a morning in the sun, with no luck, I went to lie down across the back row of seats in the truck. Three hours later… “What? It’s time to go already?” “Yeah, it’s almost 6, we need to go back for dinner.” *nods sleepily* “Great, lemme sit so there’s room for Christian. Ow, I’ve got a splitting headache!” “Well, you haven’t had much water at all today, and a rolled up sweatshirt doesn’t always make the best pillow.” “Touché.”

We left to go to the lake around lunch time. Funny thing, Christian is eating like crazy, but almost every day, I’ve not been hungry enough to eat lunch. Been starving by dinner, but just not hungry after fishing in the sun for a few hours.

We had a “well, there ya go” moment when Christian discovered that he had forgotten his boots. I think he tried fishing in his flip flops, but decided to call it quits after his hand got sore, and he had no hits.

Meanwhile, I caught more than my fair share of weeds and no fish. We piled back into the truck and moved off to another part of the lake. This area was very muddy and weedy. I tried to find a spot where I would be able to get into the water without sinking ankle deep into the mud.

Yeah, no.

After slogging around for a few minutes, and trying to make a few casts (the wind wasn’t a huge help), I headed back up to the truck, convinced that my book (The Brainy Bunch: The Harding Family’s Method to College Ready by Age Twelve) would be slightly more interesting than picking up weeds.

Dad had some luck though. He hooked a large fish (4lb, 13oz) for tomorrow’s dinner. But that was pretty much it.

We went out for dinner, and are now back at the house. I’m listening to music and writing (obviously), Christian and Grampa are watching tv (baseball, I think), and Dad’s on his phone (probably texting mom about the day).

Today was Mom’s birthday. We called her before church this morning. Everything at home is going well, and they all miss us.

I’m sad that I missed Mom’s birthday, but she gets to pay me back. She’s going to miss mine, because, she’ll be leaving for Maui with some of the kids before the rest of us go. It’s kind-of a big deal, she’s super excited that she’s going to be there for a whole month. We’re excited too, we’ll be able to watch pg-13 movies on the big screen in the living room instead of on the laptop screen in somebody’s bedroom.

The cough is still hanging on, but not as bad. I’m still super tired. I think that a quarter of the hours when I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been half-asleep.

I think if the weather holds out tomorrow, we may try fishing on a river, but supposedly, it’s going to be a bit nippy and stormy, so if all else fails, we are going to go to a museum, and possibly make a stop by the library so I can send pics to the family.

July 27, 2015, Monday

It’s 54 degrees and raining. I thought this was July. Apparently, I was wrong. It’s March.

We will not be fishing today, as you may have deduced from the above statements. Instead, we will be driving out to Great Falls, and touring a few museums, and exploring around town. I believe we will also be stoping by the library for wifi.

Final count, Deer: 75, Antelope: 55.



  1. Cool! Hope your trip keeps going well.

    Ya, I think I would opt for a book to. ;)

    1. It's been good, we are now at the airport in Denver, Co, and will be home soon.



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