Just A Rather Very Boring(?) Life Post

I sit down at the laptop, wanting to write, but the characters aren't ready to talk. I want to write something, so I'll give y'all a peek at what's going on.

Happy 4th of July!

Currently cooking:

Since mom bribed me with tea, I just made big sticky mess, but you'll love them anyways kefir biscuits. We'll have them with the strawberry jam she made earlier before some of us head off to church. For those of you who don't know what kefir is, it's sort-of like yogurt, except, if I remember correctly, yogurt is cooked and kefir is not. It's good for your gut. The biscuits are, like, the best ever. They taste particularly delicious with butter and lemon infused honey.

Currently reading:

I'm trying to hurry up and finish A passage to India, but it's just so slow, and long, and not exactly the type of book I would normally like to just pick up and read in an afternoon. I also recently found free copies of Les mis, The Last of The Mohicans, and A tale of Two Cities for my ancient Nook. Mayhaps I'll start those soon, along with all the other books I need to read for school.

Oh! How could I forget? I'm also reading Silver Rose!

Currently plotting:

Well, I would (and should) finish my June QQ, but the characters have decided to shun me for the time being. The rest of my stories are none of your concern.

Currently planning:

Well, it looks like I'm going to get to accompany dad, Christian, and grandpa up to Montana for their annual fishing trip! I can't wait! Grandpa, Christian and I will start driving up on the 16th, and dad will fly up to meet us on the 24th.

Currently finished with:

The photobooks from last year's vacation that I really should have finished sooner. Hey, 1200 pictures are hard to go through! Thankfully, gramma was able to help me get them done and ordered over this past week. It was a bit of a stretch through. The pics that we needed were all on the laptop that Lydia primarily uses. Although I do have an account on it, I hardly ever use it, since I primarily use this laptop and Lydia takes that laptop to work with her (she has a nannying job, so she's allowed to take stuff like that with her). Next time I make a photobook, the pics will not be on her laptop.

Currently watching:

Wimbledon tennis. That's pretty much all we will have on for the next couple of days. I still can't believe Nadal went out so early! o.o

Currently listening to:

Sounds around the house. AKA: the tv going, the dishwasher washing, kids playing, Christian coughing, dad exercising, the ceiling fan fanning, and myself typing.

Currently should be doing:

Getting ready for church. We leave in an hour, and I'm still in shorts and a t-shirt and my hair's a mess *gulp*. I should probably go now...



  1. Where'd your find your free les mis copy???!!!

    1. It was in "the store" on my Nook. I typed it in the search bar, and sorted it by the cheapest option first, then I clicked on the different copies so I could read the reviews. After that, I picked the one with the most positive reviews.

      Most of the free books on Nook are junkie, and have typos left and right, so I would not recommend getting free books unless you don't mind deciphering words. I think the formatting on the one I got is ok for now though.

      Hope that was helpful!


  2. Thanks I'll be trying that on my kindle!! Is it terribly boring like I've heard??

    1. No problem! I don't know yet, I've only just cracked the cover, so to speak.


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