January Recap: Nostalgia. Nostalgia Everywhere.
Ah, January. The first month of the year. *totally did not almost write '2014' on one of my assignments, shhh* *is proud of self for having a header pic for every recent blogpost* Stats: Entry Pageviews United States 796 Russia 449 Singapore 79 Ukraine 47 Germany 18 France 14 Canada 5 Indonesia 5 Italy 4 Poland 4 Happenings: *opens blogger to write about the month* *brain instantly forgets everything I wanted to write* 1. College classes started back up again. I have two online and one on campus, but I only have to go in one day each week, so that's nice. Lydia has a class as well, but the class times are off just enough so that we can't go together (though, she has to go in again on Wednesdays). 2. We hosted two families after Church on New Year's Eve. We stayed up late playing taboo (all the quieter people against the louder people ends up with a very clea...