Barnyard News

Never ever underestimate a rooster with a grudge.

It boggles my mind though, how come he punctured the skin, but not my barn boot? Why can't I have those magical instantaneous healing qualities?

Next time he takes a potshot at me when my back is turned (which he's done on more than one occasion in the past), I'm going to see about learning how to butcher chickens.

He'd make the biggest chicken pot pie ever.

Mrs (our duck) is sitting on a nest of at least 14 eggs (she's well protected this time, unlike the last time she decided to go broody). I'm hoping she sits on them until they all hatch (she laid one per day, so she'd end up having to stay on the nest for about two weeks after the first one hatches). Dad did some research and found out that ducks can sit on their eggs for anywhere between 25-35 days until the first eggs hatches.

Also, our black chicken has gone broody in one of the nesting boxes, but seeing as how she chose the nesting box that everyone likes, I'm afraid she doesn't get much peace, especially when I have to pick her up to get the fresh eggs (Dad and I marked the original ones with a sharpie). She started with 16 eggs, and has since managed to crack 4 of them. I hope she sticks it out until at least some of them hatch.

Grey still has all six of her chicks (thank goodness!), though they've passed beyond the cute-and-fuzzy stage to the I-look-like-an-awkward-preteen stage.


  1. Ohhhhh yes!! Those abominable roosters!! We have had (in times past) more then one of them!

    1. We have two of them, one is nice, and usually looks out for me when the mean one is getting too close. I'm hoping that one of the chicks turns out to be a rooster, so that we can have a backup in case the mean rooster decides to do something foolish. (Every single time we've had two and gotten rid of one, something happens to the one we keep. Annoying how that works.)

  2. Huh, I wonder what you did to the rooster to make it so angry! It's odd how animals can hold grudges too.

    1. He was fine up until earlier this year. Our other rooster chases him multiple times each day, so I guess since he can't get back at the other rooster, he decided to go after the person who feeds the other rooster (he'll chase anybody). Last year, we had a family with a bunch of little kids house sit for us, so maybe he remembers something the kids did.

      Yeah, very odd. (>.>)

  3. Aw, I remember when our chickens were in that "I-look-like-an-awkward-preteen" stage. They were hilarious. XD

    It sounds as though your ducks are doing well, and boy oh boy, you know the universe hates you when there is a rooster holding a grudge against you (or just against the world).

    1. They are funny, with their legs that are too long and their half fuzz-half feather attire. XD

      Our friend also had a mean rooster, and I'M TELLING YOU both of them had evil looks in their eyes.

  4. I am so glad I don't have a rooster. From what your experiences are, I'm okay with not seeing our chickens' eggs hatch haha :D

    He should go to a chicken counselor if he's holding grudges. He must have been scarred for life if he chases you for things you didn't do... XD

    1. The main reason we need the roosters is because we have hawks, and roosters are generally more aware of their surroundings than the hens so they alert them when they need to hide.

      Now there's an idea! However, we have decided that he is going to freezer heaven, and that he'll make an excellent (pun intended) chicken pot pie.

  5. We don't have a rooster, which is a good thing I guess.

    1. There can be some nice ones. For instance, our other rooster wouldn't let the mean one into the coop for several minutes after he spurred me.


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