To infinity, and beyond!

In which, once again, Chloe is tagged. :D

I've done the infinity dreams tag/award before (HERE), in fact, Abigail tagged me that time as well. 

Am I going to do it? Of course! New questions are always fun to answer, besides, I already basically said I was going to do it, but I digress.

The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who tagged you.
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
4. Tag 11 bloggers and give them 11 new questions to answer.

The Facts:

1. I've only been out of the US once.

2. I'm choosing to only focus on two writing projects right now.

3. I've been stung by a scorpion four times in two minutes (not counting a different time when I got stung once).

4. I've never gotten poison ivy, or chicken pox (neither of which are related in any form or fashion).

5. One time, Lydia and I decided to play 'hair salon'. With scissors. I was the victim.

6. I am constantly tweaking the recipe I use to make cookies. But only on one occasion have I written down what I did differently.

7. I am good with accents. I can do British, Scottish, Spanish, Gollum, and if you catch me at the right time, Captain Jack Sparrow.

8. I can do a bit of knitting, sewing, embroidery, and crochet.

9. I LOVE thunder and lightning.

10. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people leave the lights on in a room for no reason.

11. My hair practically exploded today because of how humid it was.

The Questions:
1. What is your earliest memory of reading, or being read to?
Goodness, that's a tough one...
I remember reading Dick and Jane the most, so maybe that? I honestly have no idea.

2. Why did you choose to start a blog?
I have a whole post about that HERE, enjoy.

3. Since this is the Infinity Dreams Tag, what is your biggest dream, no matter how out there it may seem?
I would love to be a horse trainer. I've also contemplated acting, but since I only have experience (little as it may be) playing guy characters, I don't know how that would play out.

4. Favorite subject in school? (If you in school still. If not, what WAS your favorite subject?) 
I am a bookdragon. And it generally follows that a bookdragon's favorite subject is literature.

5. Where would you live in the world, if you could live anywhere?
I love Texas, however, I also like Colorado and Montana. Basically, somewhere with a low population and pretty scenery.

6. How would you describe your personal style?
T-shirt and jeans, or sweatpants, or I also have a pair of grey linen-y cargo capris that are insanely comfortable.

And for church, I usually wear a jean skirt with a nice shirt.

7. Who has inspired you? It can be anyone, past, present, fictional, or no. 
So. Many. People. O_O
My parents.
My grandparents.
Every Sunday Pastor Scott gives new inspiration. (his blog HERE)
Corrie Ten Boom.
J. R. R. Tolkien.
And the list goes on.

8. Do you prefer open plains, and sparkling beaches, or rugged mountains and wild forests?
Rugged mountains and wild forests.

9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose?
I would chicken out, but I would like to meet the Willis family.

10. Favorite Disney princess? (Or Disney character if you don't prefer princesses.) 
For a while, it was Ariel, but since I've never seen The Little Mermaid, so my favorite changed to Belle.

11. Favorite quote?
I also have a post of quotes, you can find it HERE. Granted, that was August of last year, but we'll leave it at that.

Thanks Abigail, that was super fun!

Now, I tag those of you who have never left the country you were born in (and those of you who just want to do it).

I'll pass on the same questions:

1. What is your earliest memory of reading, or being read to?
2. Why did you choose to start a blog?
3. Since this is the Infinity Dreams Tag, what is your biggest dream, no matter how out there it may seem?
4. Favorite subject in school? (If you in school still. If not, what WAS your favorite subject?)
5. Where would you live in the world, if you could live anywhere?
6. How would you describe your personal style?
7. Who has inspired you? It can be anyone, past, present, fictional, or no.
8. Do you prefer open plains, and sparkling beaches, or rugged mountains and wild forests?
9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose?
10. Favorite Disney princess? (Or Disney character if you don't prefer princesses.)
11. Favorite quote?
Have fun!


  1. Oh, you lucky girl. I wish I was halfway-decent with accents. I always sound completely ridiculous when I attempt them. (And I've always wanted a British accent. Because reasons.)


    Thunderstorms, bookdragons, and mountains. I approve. ^_^

    1. Oh yes, and she completely threw me under the bus when Mom and Dad found out. She didn't tell them for a long time that it had been her idea. XD

      Accents- I mostly learned them by listening to them during stories or movies, and trying to imagine the movements my mouth would need to make to do them properly. It sounds strange, but yeah. It took me forever to learn how to roll my r's though.

      I woke up to a thunderstorm this morning. Best thing ever! (Unless you're driving in it, then I strongly caution against driving the speed limit or higher.)

  2. Dick and Jane books were my launching pads into becoming a "bookdragon" (love that term!) too!

    1. Gramma always had them at her house, so we would almost always go upstairs to read them when we visited.

      Bookdragon needs to be a more widely recognized term! Blogger says that it's a misspelled word. I don't believe blogger. :)

  3. I wish I was good at accents. I'm scared of scorpions, is it painful to get stung?

    1. Ehh... The first time I was stung, I hadn't been told that the ones we had weren't deadly, so I was screaming because I thought that I was going to die. The other four times, it just felt like a small sting, probably similar to a bee sting (I haven't been stung by a bee), but I don't know.

      Accents- I mostly learned them by listening to them during stories or movies, and trying to imagine the movements my mouth would need to make to do them properly. It took me forever to learn how to roll my r's though. ;)

  4. Yay someone else who is good at accents! I also like to do them. XD What was being stung by a scorpion like? I've never been stung by one. Belle is my favorite too! Thanks for following me on Pinterest! ^ ^

    1. It probably feels similar to a bee sting, but I haven't ever been stung by a bee. It doesn't hurt too bad. Sea urchins hurt more.

      Which ones are your favorite to do? :D


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