We Must Away Ere Break of Day

Ok, not that drastic, we're leaving no later than 9am tomorrow morning.

Despite the still gloomy weather, we toured Mount Vernon today. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the house and property of the late former president, George Washington.

It was beautiful. I remember bits from the time we went when Ava was still a baby, not much had changed. I would have taken pictures, but apparently they have a no-photography policy in the house. Oh well.

After walking the grounds, or part of them at least, we stopped at the food court, and tried to find something decent to eat had lunch. After lunch, we wandered around a museum centered around GW's life. After all that, we stormed investigated one of the many gift shops. While we were there, a 'redcoat' made an appearance and played American songs on his fife for the enjoyment of the crowd.

We arrived back at the Blair's house sometime mid-afternoon and settled down for a bit before going to old town Alexandria for dinner at Bugsy's Pizza and Sports Bar (I promise, we were not in the bar area), and dessert at some really good ice cream place that almost tasted like Bluebell. The waterfront really reminded me of Front Street in Lahina, Maui (a favorite shopping place when we go on vacation). There were street performers and everything! One gentleman was playing water glasses. Mom has his business card with her somewhere.

It's been fun, but I'm ready to be back on the long road home. Scratch that. I'm ready to be home, but I know for a fact that I won't be home until Wednesday, so I have to be patient. I miss my cats and other menagerie though. I can't wait to see them!



  1. To find our lost forgotten gold.. ;) so do you guys go to Maui a lot or something??

    1. The pines were roaring on the height... :D

      For the past few years we've gone. It's dad's special re-charging place, and he's happy when we tag along.

      Have you ever been? If so, where is you favorite place to go while you're there?


  2. Thanks to the visit to my blog, and for your attempt to help poor little me figure out Blogger. It can be a bear sometimes!
    Mount Vernon is wonderful, isn't it? It was my favorite part of the trip when I visited DC a few years back. It's so gorgeous.
    - Amanda

    1. No problem! Yep, my older sister comes to me all the time with questions about the computer. :)

      I know right! So green! I've heard that sometime in September they do a whole re-enactment of battles and life during that time. It was probably my favorite part of the trip as well.


    2. Hahaha no I've never been to Hawaii even :/ but what's your favorite part?? I have been to the Philippines though and that was fun. :)

    3. Probably just being there...it's pretty awesome, the most expensive part is getting there. That sounds pretty cool!



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